Local Ware: Cooking Edition

Local Ware: Cooking Edition
Curated by OROS and initial initiatives
Date|24 Sep. - 07 Oct. 2021
Address|103 Rue Paradis, 13006 Marseille
Chialing Chang
Guillaume Bloget
Liang-Jung Chen
Rio Kobayashi
Photo: Florian
Local Ware is an experimental yet utilitarian project celebrating the diversity of natural resources and lifestyles in different corners of the world. Local Ware aims to spark the audience’s imagination for an alternative way of living with a focus on vernacular materials and everyday tools that serve the essential needs of the local community.
Exploring the most primitive human behaviour - food making, the first edition studies the history of cooking tools in different cultures and how they can be creatively applied to Mediterranean cuisine. Four designers were invited to try their hand at creating exploratory cookware pieces.
Imprint, a collection of burnt rolling pins and pastry boards, is the work designed for Local Ware: Cooking Edition.
由 OROS 與 initial initiatives 共同策劃,Local Ware 為一個具實驗性而又實用的項目,藉由分享世界各地的在地資源和文化,激發觀眾對另一種生活方式的想像。第一期計畫 Cooking Edition 由人類最原始的行為 「食物製作」 開展,邀請四位不同背景的設計創作者探索不同文化中煮食工具的歷史,以及它們如何以創意的方式運用在地中海的菜色之中。 Imprint 為此次計劃的設計作品。