Bridge Hole Showcase
Bridge Hole
Conceived and organised by Off-Site
1 – 7 July 2021
Taipei, Taiwan
Underneath the bridge, there is a space invisible on Google Maps — the Bridge Hole is an experimental site where urban ethnography and observations take place. Each month, three artists are assigned a topic around a daily behavior, taking turns to exhibit their interpretations in a
55 x 80 x 12 cm showcase.
Under the theme of ‘Produce’ in July, a Useless Machine works 24/7.
隱形於 Google Maps 上、在公有八德市場旁的建國高架橋下空間,每月輪番探討六個日常的主題:進食、社交、睡眠、生產、清潔、信仰,並由十八位創作者接力展出一週時間,在 55 x 80 x 12 公分的 Showcas 裡提出對於生活行為的詮釋。