Wood Not Wood

Wood Not Wood is a material research project focused on the dropped
bark. Collecting and studying exfoliated bark from various tree species, the project aims to explore further potential of this accessible material with an industrial approach. Depending on different plant varieties, varying techniques of softening and standardizing are developed. Final species in use are Red Cedar, Moluccan Albizia and Eucalyptus.
Additionally, the expression of Wood Not Wood is inspired by plywood, whose layers of veneer are like the grin of trees. The processed bark is combined with the plywood to produce new pieces of man-made wood in specifications. Every single element bears pure natural tinge, yet is sheer artificial. The result is a range of wood planters that are made of such artificial material to toe the line between the artifact and the nature.
Photo: Tzu-Chiao Chiu
Wood Not Wood 撿拾不同樹種自然掉落的樹皮,探求不規則材料工業化可能。
選用麻六甲合歡、細葉鞍與紅香椿三種性質各異之樹皮,依照個別的材質特性,發展出對應之樹皮軟化、平面化製程,使其與夾板再次膠合。一系列木製盆栽,切面紋理如樹木年輪,而原生樹皮回歸其最初位置,看似自然,卻是完全的木頭再製品,Wood Not Wood 因此命名。