Split Marble Collection

When it comes to ways to process marble blocks, sawing is the most common technique. Being incised accurately by the machine, the marble board has a smooth profile while retaining its raw texture on fringes.
Split Marble Collection regards the roughness from original material as the feature and makes use of regular cutting surfaces. The outcome boldly draws the contrast between opposing elements.
A collection of a table and a stool with irregular edges beneath is created by juxtaposing the marble pieces at gradually varying sizes. The layered shape creates an image of a deep cavern. Having stiff outlines along with the presence of fragments, Split Marble Collection presents the contradictory aesthetics in marble pieces.
Side table in white marble_ H.70 W.36 D.26 cm
Stool in green marble_ H.40 W.44 D.29 cm
Photo: Jun-Yo Liu
從礦山開採出的自然原石,在石材廠中以鋸切加工成規格板材,而邊緣的粗獷開裂面和剖面的平滑石心,形成強烈差異,同時展示出石材本身豐富的紋理表現。Split Marble Collection 在石材製程中,看見自然和人工之間衝突卻共存的美感。