Second Nature

Second Nature originates from the thought questioning where rest parts of the wood go during the sawing procedure. Fusing raw characters with sleek wooden structures, irregular waste material from wood industry is converted to a collection of furniture including a three-tier shelf and a stool.
When a log is processed from its natural state, it is typically cut down to become smaller beams and boards for construction, leaving behind all of the bark and sapwood ─ the soft outer layers ─ for waste. Utilizing the existing dimensions and in sawing process, handpicked waste wood particles are put together to resemble the contour of the rounded trunk.
The design fuses them with opposing, sleek wooden structure. Every single offcut connects to the grids, which makes the structure reinforced and gives an elegant appearance. When viewed from sides, the contour resembles a tree’s profile, preserving the natural form of the piece.
Photo: Tzu-Chiao Chiu
Second Nature 來自對於材料的提問:從原木到鋸切後的規格材,過程中所去除的部分是什麼?原木在製材廠中被鋸切為大片板材,而在資源取得的前提下,兩側帶樹皮的邊料多被視同廢材,作為燃料處理。然而邊材留有樹皮,即樹最為外顯的本質,亦為人與之接觸時最直接的表面,其自然紋理正是其珍貴之處。