11th Presidential Culture Awards Trophy

Inspired by the theme of the 11th Presidential Culture Awards, "Shining the Light of Freedom in the World," the trophy design utilizes the glass transmittance to depict an image of a beam of light moving forward with a will.
The molten glass resembles viscous honey at high temperatures. By pressing it at a precise moment before cooling down, the extruded glass flows naturally and forms the ‘negative space of light,’ as if a radiant light is hidden in.
Client: GACC 中華文化總會
Executive Producer & Graphic Design: Sample Animal
Trophy Design: messagingleaving
Glass production: Spring Pool Glass
Leather cover: AETER
Photo 1–5: Final Final Studio
Image 6–8: Tsai Shi Fan
以 「閃耀世界自由之光」 為主題,第11屆總統文化獎的獎座設計由玻璃的穿透性為主軸,試圖捕捉一道光穿梭前行的自由姿態、一種具有方向感與意志性的具象刻畫。
高溫玻璃膏的流體性質像極麥芽糖,因此最初由手塑黏土展開型態上的嘗試,並決定使用手工壓製的方法,在熔融的玻璃中心以虛像創造出 「光的空間」。由於厚度的變化,壓製位置呈現出不同的透光度;部分表面再以噴砂工藝處理,半透明的質地柔合了線條,彷彿將放射的光芒凝聚其中。